Joseph Kling
The present number of the Colombian Journal of Clinical Nutrition represents the continuity of the effort to have a national scientific publication in the field of clinical nutrition.
It acquires a very special character, first of all because it has Patricia Savino as its new editor. She is founder and former president of the Colombian Association of Clinical Nutrition (ACNC), and a professional of wide recognition for her leadership and high scientific qualities in the field of nutrition.
Secondly, with the translation of the parenteral nutrition clinical guidelines of the European Society of Clinical Nutrition (ESPEN). The close bond that we have developed with that organization in the last three years as a member society is reflected.
The authorization to disseminate this important knowledge in the Spanish language through our society is another step forward and a sign of cooperation between the two societies in order to improve professional performance in daily clinical practice.
Other joint activities that have demonstrated important results are the implementation of nutrition day (Nutrition Day) In colombia. The in-person LLL nutrition courses (Long Life Learning Program) and the development of a joint symposium within the framework of the ACNC annual congress.
It would not be possible to keep this publication alive without the contribution of scientific works from national professionals. Recognizing the difficulties and the great effort that must be made in our environment to develop and publish a scientific work.
It is a clear purpose of the new editorial team that the RCMN is a high-quality instrument in continuing education. As well as the reflection of the work and research not only of our country but of many in the region.
An objective in the medium term will, without a doubt, be to have an indexed journal that is widely consulted internationally.
The current board of directors, which I am honored to chair, has a renewal of half of its members. The above being a message of openness of our organization to new ideas and projects that maintain the positioning of the ACNC as a solid scientific organization and one of the main ones in Latin America.
We have started work in the different committees in order to give continuity to projects that began in the previous period. As well as to develop new initiatives proposed by the members of the new board.
This is how we will continue to expand the annual realization of the Nutrition Day in a greater number of hospital institutions. Including intensive care units and, likewise. We will begin its implementation in geriatric care units in order to raise awareness among health personnel about the high rates of malnutrition in these patient populations and for this to become a starting point to improve nutritional therapeutic practices.
We will continue working on the dissemination of the consensus on the nutrition curriculum in the medical career, nutritional screening, nutritional support and on the development of the consensus on nutritional management of bariatric surgery patients.
Taking into account one of the primary objectives, which is continuous education and updating. We will develop and implement courses related to healthy lifestyles, such as the physical activity course in conjunction with the Colombian Association of Sports Medicine, AMEDCO.
The contents of the scientific publications, anthropometry and bariatric surgery courses are also being written; The implementation of these courses will be another of our purposes in the medium term.
We must consider the development of clinical management guidelines adapted to the characteristics of our population.
We will seek approaches with government entities such as Colciencias. INVIMA and the Ministry of Health in order to promote and improve the conditions in which we develop our profession.
Likewise, we continue working to strengthen ties with related associations by participating in their congresses or by carrying out other joint tasks.
We consider joint work with university educational institutions to be vital; This necessarily leads us to make agreements for the development of educational programs in various fields of clinical nutrition.
We want to maintain contact with all our members and, at the same time, invite many more professionals to be members of the ACNC.
We are in the task of having a more friendly and dynamic website and exploiting the use of social networks to meet this objective.
In the Association we have begun the implementation of a quality system in order to have a modern and efficient organization that can increasingly better serve the needs of its members.
This is one more opportunity to invite members and non-members of the Association to be an active part in the development of our organization. Participating in different scientific activities such as the congress, the RCMN, the website, courses and regional symposiums, among others.
This academic interest will not only promote the growth of this community, but will also favor our personal and professional development. Leading to better care for our patients.
We thank the outgoing members of the board of directors for all the dedication and service they provided to the ACNC for many years. At the same time, we see with pleasure and serve as an example your interest in continuing to participate and collaborate with your experience.
The purpose of the current board of directors is to continue working hard for clinical nutrition. Advocating for interdisciplinarity as the most appropriate form for nutritional care. And on the other hand, seeking that professionals from the different areas that converge in this field have permanent scientific updating.
The above will be reflected, without a doubt, in high-quality professional performance.
Finally, I extend a cordial invitation to participate in our next annual conference ADVANCES IN METABOLISM AND NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT, which reaches its twenty-seventh version and will be held in the city of Bogotá in April 2013.
We will once again have high-quality national and foreign speakers and a new opportunity to hold a high-level scientific event that also enjoys wide national and international recognition.
It will also be an occasion to meet colleagues and share the academic program and social activities.
Josef Kling G., MD, CNSC
President, Board of Directors, ACNC,
2012 – 2014